Olá a todos!!!
Participem comigo nesta aventura, acompanhando o trabalho desenvolvido por uma equipa internacional de cientistas, a bordo do R/V Marion Dufresne, durante o cruzeiro oceanográfico MD168 - AMOCINT (IMAGES XVII) que decorrerá, no Atlântico Norte, entre 15 de Junho e 10 de Julho de 2008.

Estou a contar com os vossos comentários e questões!

Obrigado a todos pelo vosso apoio e colaboração...

Hélder Pereira
"Teachers at Sea"
Educational Program
Escola Secundária de Loulé

segunda-feira, 15 de setembro de 2008

Hello Again!!!

Now that the 2008/09 school year is starting I will make presentations to several classes and groups of teachers. Besides that, under the support of the INETI’s Departamento de Geologia Marinha, we will also work on the large amount of sediment collected by the CASQ corer, since a few 1.5 meters core sections were sent to Portugal. I will analyze along with my students the sediments in these core samples. We will develop the activity that we have prepared onboard and the results of the “research” will be presented in a national congress for young scientists in April or May 2009.

I truly think that this experience onboard R/V Marion Dufresne will change and improve my teaching strategies allowing me to take “real science” into the classroom. I would like to acknowledge the European Geosciences Union (EGU) and the French Polar Institute (Institut Paul-Emile Victor - IPEV) that have funded the «Teachers at Sea» educational program. And particularly I would like to thank Carlo Laj, coordinator of the program, for inviting me to take part in this magnificent experience. I can only hope that other fellow teachers will have the opportunity to participate and enjoy the great experiences this program provides.