Location: 49º06’N – 11º32’W
Sadly, our journey is quickly coming to an end. Although we have thoroughly enjoyed ourselves, and are sad to pack up our things and say our goodbyes, we are also excited to see our families and friends back on 'terra firma'. Together, we have learned and experienced many new things that we hope to incorporate into our classrooms. We also hope to disseminate the information to other teachers so that they might also share the experience with their students. Including samples of authentic science is a key component of science instruction.
We are now sailing back towards the South, not far from the Irish coast. Yesterday we prepared our mail with Captain F. Duchene, and included many different hand stamps. Also yesterday Catherine Kissel, the chief scientist of the mission, summarized the results of the cruise. On the mission 10 Casq cores, 13 Calypso cores, and 4 Multicores, (together 483m of cores) have been taken (although not all of these were successful). So far we have traveled 5000 miles. Another important piece of information presented was the amount of time spent at each site (for surveying, coring, and transit).
For each coring site, magnetic susceptibility and lightness, or color reflectance, were correlated between the Calypso and Casq cores.
Lightness gives us an early, and very general, indication of the origin of sediments. Lighter sediments are generally from pelagic sources, and darker sediments are generally from terrigenous sources. Lighter sediments typically indicate interglacial periods, while darker sediments typically indicate glacial periods. Many further analyses will be conducted after the campaign, but it may take a considerable amount of time these analyses to be fully understood and published. Overall, however, the goals of the AMOCINT campaign itself have already successfully been met.
In the coming days we have many tasks to accomplish to get ready for our arrival in Brest. Tomorrow we will take two or three more cores south of Ireland and west of Brest, which we must process quickly. All available data must also be turned in for the scientific report, and all of the samples must be carefully packed. The ship must also be cleaned for the "BREST 2008" festival, a naval festival which only takes place once every four years. During the festival a delegation of the French minister of education will visit the R/V Marion Dufresne and Hélder and
Carlo will inform them about the Teachers at Sea program.
We thank you very much for following our journey through our emails.
We hope that you will include examples from this research cruise when discussing how science is done in your classroom. We wish you and your students a very happy summer holiday!
Hélder - Gertrud - Catalina - Jean - Angela - Carlo
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